Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The University of Connecticut, or UConn sounds an awful lot like Yukon. Despite the emblazoned acronym of my Alma mater across my chest, I am still asked, "What's Alaska like!?" Californians cannot think past the Las Vegas.
Anyway I made it one piece to Ladera Ranch. It is rainy and chilly for the area. It is mild to me in comparison to the blizzard back east. Still I wouldn't mind some sun....
Being here for only two days I can tell I will not be ab;e to move back "home" after graduation. It may be a bit lonely living far awa from family, but I like to things my way now. I like how the kitchen is organized in my apartment. Stuff like that. Also, I am finished with my teenage years and teenage problem. You could not pay enough to trlive them. So why would I stay in a house with THREE horomonal teenage girls?! I can tolerate Amanda, but brooke and sarah are already driving me nuts. And my skin is breaking out...Hormones.
Today my mom is taking me shopping. We are going to one of the many malls in the area which should have some cool cali clothes. But from experience, the best shopping (for my taste at least) and the little shops along the beach. All original and very artsy. MAybe I'll get down there before i have to go back to new england.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Ow. You might want to be careful what you post on a public blog.